ArosaAkademie «So entstehen Aroser Wetterprognosen»

Price from
CHF 0.00
mystische stimmung

This is how Arosa weather forecasts are created

Weather forecasts are generated by analyzing satellite, radar, and measuring station data using complex computational models. However, despite modern technology, they are not infallible. This is especially true in the Alps, such as in Arosa, where weather predictions can be challenging due to rapidly changing weather conditions. Tourists should interpret forecasts correctly, as a 60% chance of precipitation does not mean it will definitely rain. Flexibility and good preparation are crucial to minimize weather-related risks during outdoor activities. The presentation explains how weather forecasts work, what their weaknesses are, and how to utilize them optimally in Arosa.

Meeting Point
Sports and Congress Center Arosa: Poststrasse 27, 7050 Arosa

Event Start: 19:30
Event Duration: 1 hour

Price per adult = CHF 15.00
Children up to 15 years are free when accompanied by an adult.

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