Bergkirchli-Konzert mit Le phenix

Price from
CHF 0.00

The two cellists bring together music from 7 countries: for example, English early Baroque, Turkish retro-classical, Armenian post-Romantic, American modernism... Enjoyable diversity and musical depth go hand in hand with fun and virtuosity. Worth a visit...

More info about the cultural winter program at

Ticket for adults: CHF 20.00
Ticket for youths and students: CHF 15.00
Children up to 12 years accompanied by an adult and members of Arosa Kultur have free entry

For all listeners who have already purchased their tickets in advance, we reserve the best seats. Tickets in advance can also be purchased at the guest information of Arosa Tourism

The booking confirmation serves as an admission ticket and must be presented at the concert box office.

Doors open and box office opening: 4:30 PM
Event start: 5:00 PM
Location: Bergkirchli, Chilchaweg, 7050 Arosa
Duration of the event: 45 minutes

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