Klassik Festival Arosa im Bergkirchli

Price from
CHF 0.00
Simone Roggen & Karolina Öhman

In the concert as part of the Arosa Klassik Festival at the Bergkirchli, Simone Roggen and Karolina Öhman dedicate an evening to the versatile repertoire for violin and cello.
Johann Sebastian Bach composed the 15 two-part Inventions for a keyboard instrument in 1723. These linear two-part, relatively short musical inventions can be beautifully performed with violin and cello.
Reinhold Glière's Eight Duets for Violin and Cello, Op. 39 (1909), are light yet substantial duos that place significant demands on both instruments and lead the listener through short phrases filled with passion, mystery, and humor.
Maurice Ravel composed perhaps the most significant work for violin and cello. It bears the dedication “A la mémoire de Claude Debussy.” The sonata was premiered on April 6, 1922, in Paris. Critics accused Ravel after the performance of committing a “massacre” on the soloists. However, like other works by Ravel, the sonata eventually gained acceptance after initial rejection and soon became frequently performed, enjoying great popularity among both musicians and listeners today.

More info on the cultural winter program at www.arosakultur.ch

Ticket for adults: CHF 20.00
Ticket for teenagers and students: CHF 15.00
Children up to 12 years accompanied by an adult and members of Arosa Kultur have free entry

For all listeners who have already purchased their tickets in advance, we reserve the best seats. Tickets in advance can also be purchased at the guest information of Arosa Tourism

The booking confirmation serves as an entrance ticket and must be presented at the concert box office.

Door opening and opening of the box office: 4:30 PM
Event start: 5:00 PM
Location: Bergkirchli, Chilchaweg, 7050 Arosa
Duration of the event: 45 minutes

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